Top Ten Most Common Roof Problems and What to do About Them


Your roof acts as vital protection for your home from the outside elements. Whether it be wind, rain, animals or insects, it’s important to ensure your roof is maintained and in good condition to stop anything that shouldn’t be inside from getting in. There are many common roof problems that occur, so we’ve shortlisted these with some great solutions to get your roof in tip-top condition. 

1. Faulty Installation 

If tiles are placed incorrectly or too few nails are used to keep roof tiles in place, you have have issues later down the line. Water will enter through the gaps, causing leaks through to the inside of your home. To avoid the risk of faulty installation, ensure you hire a credited professional to do the job. have a great review and rating system for assurance. 

2. Moisture and Water Damage

Any of the above faults can lead to moisture building up on and inside your roof. This can cause mould and mildew to develop. Again, call in a professional to seal or patch up any gaps, treating and clearing any water damage that has already occurred. 

3. Trees 

Large, overhanging trees can be a real problem if close to your roof. Not only is there a risk of the tree blowing over onto your roof if the wind picks up, but the branches can scratch away your roofs protective top layer. You should call on a tree surgeon to cut back the branches to ensure they aren’t in contact with your roof. 

4. Water Pools 

Water should run safely down your roof and into your gutter, which will lead the water down to the drains below your home. However, if you suspect that water is collecting and pooling in one area of your roof, you should call in a professional to assess why this is happening. If left, the water will continue to build up and overload, which would ultimately lead to a collapse. 

5. Poorly installed Flashing

Flashing is the protective seal that protects your roof from weather damage, especially at the joints. If this isn’t installed correctly, water will slip through these joints and cause leaks internally. Therefore, without flashing, or if flashing is installed by an amateur, your home is at high risk of leaking and water damage. We advise that you get this fixed asap! 

6. Roof Punctures 

Many common roof problems are caused by extreme weather. Often, wind and hail can cause punctures to occur in your roof. Subsequently, we suggest getting your roof checked regularly or after a spout of bad weather to ensure there has been no damage. 

7. Poor Ventilation 

Most roofs have space for ventilation near the soffits and right at the ridge, allowing for rising hot air to escape. Without the correct ventilation the heat can turn to moisture, causing mould and mildew, raising your utility bills and often damaging components of your roof.  

8. Membrane Shrinkage 

There’s a proactive layer than lies beneath your roof tiles called a membrane. It protects your home from extreme temperatures, UV light and punctures. If exposed to sunlight, the membrane can shrink causing your tiles to move, crack and blister. Also, look out for any shingles that may fall away from your roof. You can call in a professional to inspect if needed. 

9. Blocked Gutters 

If your gutters are blocked with leaves or dirt, water will not flow safely away from your home. A build up in water can lead to pooling (which we’ve covered already). Therefore, ensure you maintain your gutters, especially throughout the Autumn. 

10. Lack of maintenance 

Small problems often snowball into much larger issues if left unnoticed. Therefore, we suggest you do a routine inspection of your roof from the ground, looking out for any missing or broken tiles or moss build up. You can then call in a professional to fix the job right away! 

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